Martin Luther said: Next to the Word of God, the noble art of music is the greatest treasure in the world.
Music has always been a rich tradition in Lutheran worship. The congregation is an integral part of worship, as the people sing the liturgy and hymns which speak to the liturgical season and the scripture lessons for the day.
Choirs lead and enrich the worship life of our faith community. Everyone who loves to sing is welcome to join a vocal choir. Everyone who loves the sound of bells is welcome to join the Bell Choir.
Choirs for Worship
Our Minister of Music, Joyce Gerstenlauer, leads the Choirs with inspirational songs of praise, following the liturgical seasons, to enhance our worship experience.
The Adult Choir consists of adults and teens. Rehearsals are on Wednesdays at 7:15pm, September through May.
The Children’s Choir meets at the beginning of Sunday School, singing and playing rhythm instruments, and participates in worship every few weeks.
Handbell Choir
Handbell Choir Director, Victoria Wonders, leads a vibrant rehearsal by teaching bell techniques and rehearsing special music and hymn accompaniments for worship. We use both handbells and chimes as the music selection suggests.
The Bell Choir consists of youth through adults, with rehearsals on Wednesdays at 6:30pm.