Quilt Created for the 100th Anniversary Celebration on September 14, 2014
A group of dedicated volunteers gathers every Thursday, 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m., September to May, to sew tie knot style quilts for Lutheran World Relief (LWR). The quilts are blessed on Harvest Home Sunday, celebrated the second weekend of November. We also give thanks and recognize those who have shared in this ministry during the past year. This ministry donates just over 200 quilts each year to LWR for distribution to people all over the world who are displaced because of natural disaster, political and civil unrest and famine. Join this ministry to connect with a caring group who makes Christ known with beautifully sewn quilts.
Materials such as old sheets (either full or large), bed spreads, mattress pads, or electric blankets are reused to make new quilts. Please place your donations outside the quilt closet in Fellowship Hall.
Please contact Yvonne Sebestyen to let her know you’re joining this ministry.